2024 International Conference on Computational Modeling and Applied Mathematics - Chinese-Russian Conference "Differential Equations and Applications" (CMAM 2024 & DEA)

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Chairs


Prof. Yidong Sun

Dalian Maritime University, China


Sun Yidong, professor, master supervisor, dean of the School of Science, Dalian Maritime University. He has published more than 40 academic papers in internationally renowned magazines on combinatorial mathematics such as "European Journal of Combinatorics", "Electronic Journal of Combinatorics", and "Discrete Mathematics". He has presided over the completion of 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects and multiple provincial and ministerial level projects. He guided two postgraduate students to win the outstanding master's thesis of Liaoning Province. In 2009, he was selected as a candidate for Liaoning Province's "Hundreds and Thousands of Talents Project"; from September 2018 to the present, he has served as the vice chairman of the Dalian Mathematical Society; from October 2023 to the present, he has served as the vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Mathematical Society.


Assoc. Prof. Shuguang Li

Dalian Maritime University, China


Li Shuguang, Ph.D., associate professor at Dalian Maritime University, master supervisor, and a member of the Computer Mathematics Committee of the Chinese Mathematical Society. He graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He is mainly engaged in research on computational mathematics, non-Newtonian seepage mechanics, and multi-scale modeling. He was selected into the "Professional Talent Training Program for Russia" and "Dalian High-Level Talent Introduction" He has presided over 1 postdoctoral project, 1 Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation project, and 1 Liaoning Provincial Department of Education basic scientific research project. He has published more than 20 SCI articles and been cited more than 220 times.

Organizing Committee Members

Assoc. Researcher, Xin Xu, Dalian Maritime University, China

Assoc. Prof. Shuguang Li, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Yan Sun, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Xiaotong Chen, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Zhiqiang Tang, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Ruixue Gu, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Hui Yu, Dalian Maritime University, China

Lecturer, Yi Gong, Shanghai Customs College, China

Lecturer, Zheng Wang, Shanghai Customs College, China

Researcher, O.V. Kravchenko, Federal Research Center Computer Science and Control (FRC CSC), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russia